Safeguarding Updates

Safeguarding and Welfare

Video showing and explain the changes over nearly two decades taken by The FA in Safeguarding children in football
Safeguarding Children in Football
We are asking every parent/carer with a child involved in football to take a few minutes to watch this video. It outlines what you should expect from your club and how you can play your part in safeguarding your child.

 Lets make football safe, not sorry.

Gloucestershire FA is committed to its responsibilities to safeguarding the welfare of all young people involved in grassroots football

We fully support and appreciate our team of dedicated volunteer Club and League Welfare Officers working towards maintaining a safe and fun environment for young people who play, train, referee and coach.

We strongly believe in ‘listening to children and young people’ and that their views are really important.

Creating fun, safe football environments is central to safeguarding children.

Most children and young people have a fantastic experience through football – but sadly, some don't. This might be down to over-competitive parents and coaches shouting and constantly criticising them from the sidelines – the kind of behaviour that the Respect programme is designed to address. Or it might be due to some other kind of abusive behaviour towards them.

Safeguarding Children is everyone's responsibility and having Welfare Officers in all clubs and leagues with youth teams is crucial to The FA’s simple three part approach to safeguarding.

This includes:

  • Getting the right people involved - seeking references and DBS checks. 
  • Creating a safe environment - codes of conduct, education and best practice.
  • Promoting clear systems - to deal with any concerns - policy and procedures.

We now have a designated volunteer workforce of Welfare Officers who promote and oversee best practice in Safeguarding Children.

All Clubs with youth sections and youth leagues are required by The FA to have an appointed Club or Youth League Welfare Officer.

The Club or Youth League Welfare Officer is in place to improve practices at the Club and be the first point of contact for any concerns relating to children or vulnerable adults.

If you have any concerns about a child or young persons welfare report it to your Club Welfare Officer or The Gloucestershire FA Designated Officer. Furthermore, you can contact The FA/ NSPCC's or The FA Safeguarding team, with the contact details in the box above.

Please remember that if a child or young person is in immediate danger, ALWAYS call 999.

Get In Touch


Liz Barnett

Designated Safeguarding Officer

Emergency Out of Hours: 07960 500 130


FA / NSPCC 24 hour Hotline number

0808 800 5000

The FA Safeguarding Team E-mail


best practice and guidance notes - the complete directory

The FA Safeguarding complete directory

Over the years The FA has been asked for advice and guidance to help clubs create fun, safe and inclusive environments.

This advice in the form of Guidance Notes is available to download in themed-sections on The FA website.

You’ll find top tips, templates and a great resource to browse through and see what you and/or your club might benefit from going forwards.

To view and download the complete Safeguarding Directory CLICK HERE.

England Football Safeguarding Courses

Have a look of all the available online England Football Safeguarding courses, including 'Safeguarding Awareness for Parents & Carers' and Safeguarding Children course.
