Play Safe 2024

Play Safe

Play Safe weekend took place in September, but you still have a role to play in safeguarding all season long.

Play Safe is a year round campaign to amplify the importance of safeguarding across all levels of the game.

Play Safe is about making sure football is safe, fun, and enjoyable for everyone, everywhere, every time. We all have a part to play in safeguarding, so read on to see how you can contribute, no matter what your role in football may be.


As a designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO) or Club Welfare Officer (CWO), you’re the first port of call:

  • Know who your members are and how to reach them. Consider how you can ensure everyone knows who you are and how to contact you.
  • Share news and information about Play Safe to everyone at your club.
  • Keep safeguarding as a regular item at committee meetings.
  • Think about what could make a positive difference at your club/league and who could help you bring about that change.

U18 players:

  • If something feels wrong or unsafe, know how and where to report a concern.
  • Keep talking to your parent/carer. Tell them if you’re worried about anything. 
  • Expect to play in a safe environment, always. 
  • Be positive and always support other players. 


  • Complete the free, 30-minute online ‘Safeguarding Awareness for Parents/Carers’ course.
  • Know who your child’s coach/manager is and how to contact them.
  • Know how to contact your club’s welfare officer and where to report a concern. 
  • Ask about FA DBS Checks and safeguarding qualifications of the staff at your club.
  • Know what unacceptable behaviour looks like and the club’s Codes of Conduct. 
  • Keep on checking in with your child(ren) – make sure they know how to report a concern.


  • Check and challenge your own behaviour, as well as other peoples. Shouting at children is not okay. 
  • Make sure you’re working with another DBS-checked coach. 
  • Only communicate online with a child’s parent or carer. Keep it football related. 
  • Be fair, encouraging, inclusive. Try to understand every child’s needs, speak with their parent/carer about what would work best for their child.


  • Keep it positive. Clap for everyone
  • Never shout abusive or negative things during a match.
  • If there’s something that feels off or unsafe, report it to the club welfare officer, or member of staff.

Committee members: 

  • Make sure your club is following a safer recruiting process - you can find that information here.
  • Support coaches, check they’re working with the right ratios and role modelling the clubs code of conduct, make sure you’re happy with the way they communicate and engage with players.
  • Make sure all your club’s digital/social media communications follow safe practice; they should be for specific football purposes.

Referees and match officials:

  • Know who you’re officiating/training with and who the main point of contact is.
  • Be responsible before offering under-18 officials a lift; get parent/carer consent, consider will there be a third person in the vehicle, ensure they sit in the rear of the vehicle.  
  • Check important details before a match, like changing facilities or post-match support. 
  • Be prepared for a challenging game and know how to manage conflict. Know how and where to report a concern.


Click here for videos giving more detail about how each role contributes to safeguarding within football.

Share your support for Play Safe online! Click here to download a pack of digital assets to use on your website and social media, reminding all the members of your club of their responsibilities.